In this context, information management and delivery (IMD) refers to collecting, managing, and delivering the right information to the right people in the right format at the right time to support strategic decision-making intended to achieve a goal.
MEETING THE INFORMATION AVAILABILITY CHALLENGESIntentionally planned IMD has the potential to address the information availability challenges described in the “Information” section by collecting, curating, contextualizing and coordinating information development and access. IMD can help decision-makers easily find and access the information they need in a timely manner. Specifically, IMD: √ Shifts the focus among data providers and managers from simply collecting data to meeting the information needs of decision-makers.√ Focuses on ensuring that all factors that affect the flow of information to decision-makers are addressed.√ Helps identify data gaps and other barriers that affect or prevent the flow of information to decision-makers.√ Ultimately leads to decision-makers receiving more relevant information, which allows them to make more informed strategic decisions.
Determine what information decision-makers need. This may involve directly asking decision-makers what information they need in order to make well-informed decisions.
Determine what information is available and if decision-makers are able to easily access it. This likely involves talking to information providers to understand how they decide what information to produce and how they share information, and talking to decision-makers to understand how they access information.
Develop standards for information content and formatting, so decision-makers can more easily understand the information
that they need to access.
Set a cycle for regularly reporting and updating information so decision-makers know that they are always receiving the most
up-to-date information.
Develop and implement an IMD strategy that improves information flow. For example, develop a program or policy that addresses barriers to the consolidation, contextualization, and integration of data and knowledge.
Develop and implement a communication strategy, as well as a strategy for education and outreach, to ensure the success
of the IMD strategy.
The following actions are involved in implementing IMD:
species of birds call the Great Lakes home.
species of plants can be found in the Great Lakes Region.
islands are found within the Great Lakes Region.