Having technical difficulties? We recommend following these steps:
- Check the description for the course you are trying to access for any important course-specific technical requirements.
- Still having problems? Please email
Desktop browsers:
- Chrome: The latest stable release
- Firefox: The latest stable release
- Microsoft edge: The latest stable release
- Safari 10
- Internet Explorer 11
Mobile browsers:
- iOS Safari 9
- Android browser: The latest stable release
- Chrome for Android: The latest stable release
How do I find my transcript information:
On the top menu bar, click My Learning
How to change the site language:
Under your name in the upper right side, Select your preferred language
How to change your Timezome:
- Under your name in the upper right side, Select Profile
- Please adjust the proper timezone to your location under the Timezone option
最后修改: 2021年06月8日 星期二 11:48