Enrollment options

Stock assessment methods

The participant will learn the basic fundamentals and reasoning behind the most commonly used methodologies for data-poor stock assessment, as well as their assumptions and limitations. A total of four thematic modules will be taught: 1) Behavior of overexploited populations with age-structure-based models, 2) Size-based methods, 3) Dynamic biomass models (surplus production), and 4) Catch-based models. The participant will learn the basic principles of the theory associated with the four models mentioned, which will help link management measures with knowledge of the state of fish stocks. The problems associated with data-poor fisheries and the ability to have reliable estimators of the state of resources under these conditions will be evaluated and discussed. Participants are expected to apply these methods to the fisheries in which they work and their results will be discussed as a group during the course. 

*During the course, two to three fisheries (to be defined with the group) will be selected to carry out the corresponding evaluations of these populations after the course. 

The course will last approximately  12-15 weeks  (to be defined). Each week will have the following elements: 

- 2 classes of 10-15 minutes each (between 3-4 hours, depending on the participants since each class or module has several exercises) 

- 1 virtual office session with the facilitators (2 hours) to discuss and answer questions about that week's classes and review the exercises. 

Therefore, each week will take about 5-6 hours maximum. 

The classes will be pre-recorded (mini video and exercises/assignments). Each class will last approximately 15 minutes of theory and 1.15 hours of practice (with exercises and assignments) so in total each class will take a maximum of 1.5 hours. 

Available in English and Spanish

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Duration: 4 hours

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