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Leadership for Fisheries Management

The Leadership for Fisheries Management module will provide you with the knowledge and skills to lead change in the fisheries management approaches in Mexico. The module is based on the leadership training course conducted in several countries by the Coastal Resources Center, University of Rhode Island, USA. The on-line module and translations were produced by the Nature Conservancy (TNC).

To introduce the topic, the module firstly looks at leadership and teamwork in the context of fisheries management. This is followed by a more in-depth look at the core capacities of leadership, and how to facilitate behavioral change. Finally, the module brings all the concepts and tools together and applies them to fisheries co-management.

The main output of the course is an action plan to help you promote change at both a personal and at an institutional level to improve the sustainability of Mexico’s fisheries.

Available in English and Spanish

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Duration: 2.5 hours

Self enrollment (Learner)