Bienvenido al Programa de Fortalecimiento de la Capacidad Pesquera para el Golfo de California y el Pacífico Norte. Gracias al generoso apoyo de la Walton Family Foundation, este programa está siendo implementado por The Nature Conservancy (TNC), el Instituto Nacional de Pesca de México (NAPESCA) y la Comisión Nacional de Pesca (CONASPESCA). El componente en línea de este programa consta de 7 cursos en línea planificados para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de las autoridades pesqueras mexicanas. Estos cursos han sido desarrollados por varias instituciones y expertos reconocidos en estos temas. Las lecciones están disponibles en inglés y español.

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El participante conocerá los conceptos básicos relacionados con la variabilidad ambiental y el cambio climático. Comprenderá y será capaz de utilizar información climática obtenida de bases de datos de acceso abierto.

Available in Spanish

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Duration: 2 hours

The participant will learn the basic fundamentals and reasoning behind the most commonly used methodologies for data-poor stock assessment, as well as their assumptions and limitations. A total of four thematic modules will be taught: 1) Behavior of overexploited populations with age-structure-based models, 2) Size-based methods, 3) Dynamic biomass models (surplus production), and 4) Catch-based models. The participant will learn the basic principles of the theory associated with the four models mentioned, which will help link management measures with knowledge of the state of fish stocks. The problems associated with data-poor fisheries and the ability to have reliable estimators of the state of resources under these conditions will be evaluated and discussed. Participants are expected to apply these methods to the fisheries in which they work and their results will be discussed as a group during the course. 

*During the course, two to three fisheries (to be defined with the group) will be selected to carry out the corresponding evaluations of these populations after the course. 

The course will last approximately  12-15 weeks  (to be defined). Each week will have the following elements: 

- 2 classes of 10-15 minutes each (between 3-4 hours, depending on the participants since each class or module has several exercises) 

- 1 virtual office session with the facilitators (2 hours) to discuss and answer questions about that week's classes and review the exercises. 

Therefore, each week will take about 5-6 hours maximum. 

The classes will be pre-recorded (mini video and exercises/assignments). Each class will last approximately 15 minutes of theory and 1.15 hours of practice (with exercises and assignments) so in total each class will take a maximum of 1.5 hours. 

Available in English and Spanish

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Duration: 4 hours

This module consists of 4 individual courses, providing you with the knowledge, tools and skills to be able to apply the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM). The module is based on the Essential Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management training course developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and IMA International. The online course and the translations of materials into Spanish were developed by TNC.

Topics covered include learning about the principles of EAFM and understanding why it is a preferred approach to sustainably managed fisheries. Practical advice on how to plan, implement and monitor the ecological, human and governance components of EAFM is provided along with a look at challenges that regional fisheries face in moving towards EAFM. Most importantly, this module provides an introduction to the people skills needed to incorporate an ecosystem approach into your existing fisheries management.

Available in English and Spanish

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Duration: 2.5 hours

The objective of the Fisheries Compliance and Enforcement online training module is to provide an overview of monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) in fisheries. 

The module covers three courses, (i) The What and Why of Compliance and Enforcement, (ii) Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) Planning and Implementation, and (iii) Inspections and Surveillance. The first course examines why compliance and enforcement are critical to fisheries management and looks at illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU fishing), both globally and nationally. The course then examines what is meant by monitoring, control and compliance (MCS). In the second course we move to look at MCS tools, MCS planning and MCS partnerships. The final course covers aspects of inspections and enforcement. 

Available in English and Spanish

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Duration: 4 hours

The FishPath Network New Member On-Boarding training course is designed to familiarize new members with the FishPath approach. The course provides an overview of 1) Intro to FishPath; 2) FishPath Tool; 3) FishPath Process; and 4) the FishPath Network.

Duration: 2 hours

The FishPath Tool is an online, publicly available resource to support improved fisheries management design. In this course, learn how to use the FishPath Tool and understand all the interactive features.

Duration: 2hr

This module will provide you with the knowledge and skills to be able to understand and describe the general legal framework for fisheries in Mexico. The module is based on drafts developed by the Legal Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Scripts and course materials were reviewed and proofread by the Defensa Ambiental del Noroeste. The final on-line courses and translations were produced by TNC.

The module starts by defining some of the key concepts used in the different Mexican laws that are relevant to fisheries. It then describes several key international laws and conferences that set the scene for the national legislation. This is followed by an exploration of Constitution of the United Mexican States that underpins the different legislation. The different laws are then reviewed and, lastly, the institutions responsible for implementing the legislation are identified.

Available in English and Spanish

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Duration: 5 hours

The Leadership for Fisheries Management module will provide you with the knowledge and skills to lead change in the fisheries management approaches in Mexico. The module is based on the leadership training course conducted in several countries by the Coastal Resources Center, University of Rhode Island, USA. The on-line module and translations were produced by the Nature Conservancy (TNC).

To introduce the topic, the module firstly looks at leadership and teamwork in the context of fisheries management. This is followed by a more in-depth look at the core capacities of leadership, and how to facilitate behavioral change. Finally, the module brings all the concepts and tools together and applies them to fisheries co-management.

The main output of the course is an action plan to help you promote change at both a personal and at an institutional level to improve the sustainability of Mexico’s fisheries.

Available in English and Spanish

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Duration: 2.5 hours